Sunday, January 4, 2009

Well, just a few days left.

Duncan is doing a bit better thank god as this was very stressful for us and I am sure he is a lot happier now also!
We had to say good-bye to Fürsteneck, my Dad, Stepmum, Sabine and my Aunt Barbara who came especially from Florence/Italy to see us. And all the friends who stayed at the castle at the time. It was very nice there and Adrian had a great time with his Opa Adrian. He misses him terribly already which is so sad to see. My Stepmum loves Giorgia and I know it was a very heartbreaking good-bye for her:( But we will be back which is something. I tried to explain to Adrian that it is nice making new friends and being able to visit them again which I think helped a bit.
Adrian had another great ride on Pele this morning and my Oma will bring more cake this afternoon. Tomorrow we will visit my great uncle Boki Forster in Munich who is 92 I think and the father of Carl-Peter Forster who is in the press a lot being CEO of GM and Opel. I really like them, they are a very warm and loving family.
Well, and on Tuesday I will do some last minute shopping and then off to the airport as we are flying out at 3.30pm. Wish us luck, I think I won't be able to post before we get home.
I hope you enjoyed reading this blog while we were away. Keep an eye on it for Adrian's adventures to come...

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